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RCHC 200 Club
Fundraising 7 of 8

7. RCHC 200 Club

What is the 200 Club?
• The 200 Club is a (private society) lottery.
• You need to be a 200 Club Member to take part in the lottery.
• The 200 Club is a key fundraising activity of Reading Cricket and Hockey Club (RCHC).
• There are thousands of 200 Clubs in the UK across sports clubs, societies, and charities etc.
• ‘200’ representative of the number of balls in the lottery.
• 200 Club Members are automatically granted a Social membership of RCHC (if not already a Cricket/Hockey Section member).

What does it cost?
• A Member has to be over 18 years of age.
• Annual membership of the 200 Club is £24. This buys you one lottery ball.
• You can purchase additional lottery balls at £24 each.
• There is no limit to the number of lottery balls you can buy.
• Members are allocated a unique number for each lottery ball purchased.
• The actual number of balls in each lottery draw equals the number of Members and how many balls they have purchased.
• Membership is payable online in advance by the 1st November by standing order.
• The Membership year is 1st November to 31st October.

How much can I win?
• 50% of the Membership fees collected is put in the prize money fund.
• 50% of the fees are donated to fund capital equipment for the Clubhouse, as agreed by RCHC General Management Committee, e.g. A donation of £8,000 was given in 2017.
• More Members and the more lottery balls they purchase the greater the cash prize fund and the more cash prizes are paid out.
• There are two lottery draws per year; one before Christmas and one in the Summer.
• The prize fund has paid out 2 x £500, 2 x £100, and 4x £50 across the two draws. With more Members more cash prizes are paid out.
• Cash prizes do not have tax deducted

How do I join?

• Complete and email the Standing Order/ online payment form to Johnny Downer at
• Make an initial one off online payment and also set up an annual standing order for 1 November (on a multiple of £24) using the following details:
• You will receive a confirmation email once you have joined, which will indicate the number(s) of the lottery balls allocated to you.

Terms and Conditions are in the document linked on this page as well as the Bank form that you need to complete.


RCHC 200 Club Information and Bank Form
